A nation without Law is a nation without sin because for every sin there are punishments which may be punitive or corrective. The punishment is depending on their categories, so if you can't serve the sentence, don't commit the offence. May the peace and the blessing of Allah abide with you all as we all descend on this theological journey.

Decomposition, disorganization, destruction, imperfection, contamination and so on are the things that can happen to any creation that is not conscious of their causes. HIV, AIDS, EBOLA are the most popular diseases that are currently plaguing the world, but these life threatening diseases can be arrested by finding the right drug.

On the other hand, Corruption can be a catalyst for all the aforementioned diseases in a nation that is not conscious of the prevention and the cure.

Simply put, corruption is an act of mismanagement of a particular position that one may find him or herself, it's not just an act of embezzling a huge amount of money as is widely believed by the majority, the metamorphosis of the so called phenomenon from the egg to lava, lava to pupa, pupa to adult, makes it difficult for a nation that wants to be positively ameliorated, fighting corruption from the apex is ideal but we shouldn't forget that this culprit to was an egg, the corrupted is a child, student, teacher, me and you before getting to what they are.
Fighting corruption should start from our respective homes. History is a science of yesterday that can be used to configure our present and future if I'm too young to comment about Nigeria's 40s to 60s, history has made corruption to me a non new invention, but for the corrupted of the yesteryears, what punishment did they suffer in their days either punitive or corrective? This would tell us the consequence of being corrupt, "Ma fokoo mi dana ojo kan lankoo” meaning don't make my farm a path should start a day. If corruption-free Nigerians can be disciplined as the W A I, our monthly quotidian and the leaders of tomorrow can be prepared today Quran 23:51...Oh messengers eat from the good food and work righteousness, indeed I know all you’re doing! Quranic laws ordained thorough investigation before implementation, if at 55 a father is still corrupt no doubt the children will be. My honourable Excellencies, Muhammad Nabiy (phb) is not remembered for his riches, Jesus Christ is not remembered for his mansions whatever you do today will always be in

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